Entertain and Advertise with Toronto signage Digital

Customers live in a face-paced, digital world, and, when it comes to advertising, how and what they pay attention to is a reflection of that world. Posters and flyers aren’t just costly- they don’t work anymore. People nowadays need something that catches their attention; something that moves around, something colourful, enticing and something that doesn’t simply fade over time.

Torontosignage.digital offers all of these features and more. It’s kind of like a custom version of CP24. You provide nothing more than a screen or two, and we will create custom software that entertains your clientele while they wait, and while they enjoy everything you have to offer. The screen also shows local traffic, weather, news from around the country and entertaining videos like fashion shows, the car show, and more. The best part is that your customers will see advertisements for any services they might yet be unaware of, and any current or upcoming specials or promotions. If we have another client in the area, (non-competing of course), your ads will show on their screens and vice versa. For example, a dentist and a restaurant- never two restaurants. It’s a great and innovative new way to reach new customers! We also advertise our own businesses on the screen, but that’s only fair-that’s why it’s free!

The process is simple. All you have to do is contact us and we will come in and give you a presentation geared towards your particular type of business. Once you sign the contract we will come and take some videos of your business for your custom ads and then we are off and running. Your ads can be changed as often as you like for a small fee.

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